AP Calculus BC
Self-paced AP Calculus BC is equivalent to a two semesters college calculus course. Topics include functions, limits and continuity, derivatives, integrals, differential equations, parametric equations, polar coordinates, vector-valued functions, infinite sequences and series. The course will focus on applying the skills and concepts of calculus to modeling and solving problems across multiple representations. It includes specific preparation for the AP BC Calculus exam. Students will practice AP-style questions, to familiarize themselves with the format and grading techniques.​
Students access class materials at any time most convenient for them, including video lectures, assignments, answer keys to assignments, and more through Canvas, WebAssign and College Board AP Classroom. All class materials are available 24/7. Assignments are given at the beginning of each week. There will be one live Zoom session per week with the instructor that focus on key concepts and challenging assignments. It will be recorded and made accessible for those who cannot attend.
Self-paced course
This is a self-paced course with video lecture and a discussion forum for questions.
Early Bird Special: $625. After June 30: $675.
All students with a strong math background should have successfully completed Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II and Precalculus. If you have not completed the prerequisite, please sign up for AP Precalculus class or other math classes at www.mathamelia.com.
In particular, you should understand the properties of linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, polars, piecewise-defined functions, and know how to graph these functions and solve equations involving them. You should also be familiar with algebraic transformations, combinations, compositions, sequence, series and inverses for general functions, parameters and vectors.
Course Delivery
Online platform. Students access class materials on Canvasand College Board AP Classroom any time most convenient for them. All class materials are available 24/7.
Video lectures for each section.
Weekly assignment, chapter tests and exams
Instruction of how to use calculator.
Free Response Questions will be graded by the instructor.
College Board designed practice test questions.
No textbook is needed. ​
Technical Requirements
Computer, high-speed internet access, e-mail capability, with camera
Smartphone or scanner to save multiple handwritten pages as a single PDF file
Graphing calculator – TI-89, TI-Nspire, or TI-83/84 Plus
Why take this class?
Calculus BC is equivalent to completing two college-level Calculus courses and is often taken by students pursuing degrees in the social sciences, life sciences, mathematics, physical sciences and engineering. Many colleges offer credit for this course upon achieving a specific score on the exam. It should be noted that Calculus BC is more challenging than Calculus AB. For those seeking a slower-paced class, please consider taking AP Calculus AB as it covers less material.